Kerikeri Holiday Park
Kerikeri Holiday Park & Motels, 23 Aranga Rd, Kerikeri, Far North, North Island
Country camping, but only a short walk from the southern end of Kerikeri
township. The terrain is on several levels above the Puketotara River with
the main facilities on the central terrace. This park is very well served by
clean ablutions. There is a steep access to the flat power sites at various
levels. A large area of level open camping along the river is ideal for tenting.
The kitchen is well laid out and has all ‘mod-cons’. The mix-and-mingle BBQ
complex has a roll-back roof and a log-burning fireplace. A separate Internet
and TV lounge has been set aside for both camp Internet and wireless. Your
busy hosts are Louise and Andrew. Non powered sites from $36 for two.
Powered sites, from $40 for two. Seasonal rates apply.