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  5. Raetea North Side

Raetea North Side

Overseeing Body:

Information courtesy of the Department of Conservation
Raetea North Side Camping Area, State Highway 1, Mangamuka, 0476, Far North, North Island


The campsite is located on State Highway 1 at the northern foot of Raetea
Forest (Mangamuka Gorge)18 km, south-east of Kaitaia along S Hwy 1 towards
Mangataiore. Look for ‘Raetea Reserve’ sign and follow the short gravel drive
beyond the stream ford. Just 20 free campsites set in one of the last remaining
lowland coastal forests. Look and listen for Kukupa or Kereru (native wood pigeon),
short tailed bats and parakeets. Kauri snails are present here too.


09 4097521