Waipoua Forest Camping Area
Located on Waipoua River Road 1km from State Highway 12 in the heart of the Waipoua Forest. A good base from which to explore the forests of Northland,
with walking and tramping tracks aplenty. The campground is at the forests
visitors centre, near the Waipoua River, where you can make your booking.
Facilities include hot and cold showers, toilets and a communal cookhouse with
a refrigerator if required, plus a laundry tub, and token operated machines
available. Enjoy the evening chorus provided by the resident kiwi population and view Waipoua Historic Kauri photo display. No pets or fires please. Te Roroa is looking after this interesting camp. Approximatly 80 camp sites.
Adults, $15 per night. Children (5 to17yrs) $7.50 per night, preschool (under
4yrs) free. Discounted guided night walks for campground patrons.