Duddings Lake
1525 State Highway 3, Bulls, New Zealand, Whanganui, Manawatu, North Island
Dudding Lake has a small, welcoming campground with both powered and non-powered sites. Powered sites need to be booked. There is no rental accommodation provided.
Fees for camping
- Non powered, sites per night - $10 each adult and $5 each child (5 – 14 years – under 5 is free)
- Powered sites, per night - $10 each adult, $5 each child (5 – 14 years – under 5 is free), $5 for power
Kitchen facilities provided include seating, washing machines, sinks, hot plates, microwave, electric jug and toasters. Use of the showers is free for campers.
Gates to the lake are closed at dusk; campers returning after this time can ring the buzzer to be let in.
Quinten and Kylee are the caretakers at Duddings Lake.
(06) 327 8127 or 022 012 4931
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