Brighton Caravan Park
Brighton Caravan Park & Boat Hire 1044 Brighton Road, Brighton, Otago, South Island
This seaside resort is on the south coast, an easy drive from Dunedin. The
grounds are level, with the 24 gravelled power sites, unfortunately most of these are taken up by permanent residents so not many spaces available. All the facilities are well positioned, clean and modern, the kitchen has a stove and
microwave with a trellised and covered BBQ area for inside/outside eating. The
ablution block has disability suites for both sexes, and the laundry is equipped
with automatic machines. With a choice of ocean beach swimming, or a
shallow estuary for the children to play safely, this would be a great family camp.
Boat hire, a dump point and card phone here, as well as a Superette at the gate.
Your friendly hosts are AB and Bronwyn.