Orari Gorge Camping Area
Yates Road, 12 km northwest of Geraldine, South Canterbury, South Island
Road access is from Tripp Settlement Road, then on to Yates Road. The
campsite is set in 80ha of native bush, on the low foothills between Yates
Road and Station Stream and opposite the Glenburn Youth Camp. There is a relatively easy forest walk of about three hours, partly along the line of an old bush tramway and passing through several quite distinct forest types. The high point gives good views out across surrounding countryside. The campsite is close to the Orari River, which has good fishing. There is usually a water supply (but not for drinking), toilets, rubbish collection, picnic tables and barbecues.
No other fires please. Dogs are not permitted. Price per adult is $6.10 for a
site with an extra $2.50 for power per site.
03 3799758
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